MissNanaa Art

Terms of Service

By comissioning me, you agree to the terms listed below.
IMPORTANT : some statements can be bound to change if disscussed with me before the commission.
Not reading my terms of service is not valid grounds for breaking them/not abiding ny them.

General Terms

I reserve the right to decline a comission.
❅ All completed commissions fall under personal usage unless specified otherwise.
❅ An additional fee will be added for props and pets.
❅ A complexity fee might be added for complex characters.
❅ My work is digital only. I am not required to ship any physical goods. If the client wishes to have the artwork shipped, an additional fee will be charged.
❅ You must credit to me (@missnanaa_art) as the artist whenever the art is used and showcased.
❅ The client must provide good visual references and descriptions.
❅ Deadlines must be notified before starting the comission. An unexpected deadline or rush order has an additional charge quoted by the artist.
❅ Expected turnaround time will vary based on the complexity of the request and personal circumstance, as well as waitlist.
❅ I reserve the right to change the price of my commissions accordingly, however, I will never change the price for in-progress commissions that have already been agreed upon.
❅ An exception to the previous rule are major requested changes after the commission is in progress and beyond the sketch/rough color phase.
❅ No one is allowed to mint my artwork as a NFT (Non Fungible Token). My commissioned and pre-existing work, cannot be minted into an NFT by a commissioner or anyone else.


❅ I will provide WIPs to discuss the commission starting after payment has been made.
❅ A delay may happen in cases of unforeseen issues with health, work, loss of required technology or other personal issues. Should anything like that occur, the client will be notified as soon as possible.
❅ I will allow plenty of revisions during the sketch phase, 2 revisions during the rough color phase, and no other free revisions during the fully shaded and fully rendered phases, unless they're minor, such as cleanup or other smaller details. Any major changes after this stage will be charged an extra fee based on the complexity.
❅ The client cannot change the subject of the commission once it is agreed upon.
❅Finished digital commissions will be sent via e-mail and always will be high-resolution (300pp - 600pp).


❅ The full comission price must be paid via paypal.
❅ The currencies accepted are USD/EUR.
❅ The client must only pay after the artist has agreed to the price and commission payment.
❅ Any monetary compensation made without the written consent of the artist is treated as a donation.
❅ The client cannot force a chargeback once the commission has been agreed upon and the payment has been sent.

Copyright Policy

❅ I reserve the right to show any commissions done on my portfolio or any of my social media websites, unless it was requested that I do not do so.
❅ I retain full rights and ownership over the comissioned artwork.
❅ The client must not omit my signature from the finished piece.
❅ The client cannot use the comission for comercial purposes. If they wish so, there will be an extra comercial fee (150% of the base price).
❅ The client can print the artwork and also claim the right of their character/s but not the artwork itself.

Refunding Policy

❅ If money has not been sent yet, the client has the right to cancel the commission.
❅ You are committing to this commission just as much as the artist. No refunds allowed.
❅ If the client file a chargeback after the commission is done, they will be blacklisted, and I will be free to post their contacts everywhere I see fit for others to watch out for.